Peer Support


Request a Peer Visit

The core of the Amputee Coalition’s mission is our peer support program.

By connecting individuals newly dealing with amputation to a trained ACC Peer Visitor, we want to ensure that no one across Canada has to experience the limb loss journey alone.

One of the most monumental events for a person who has recently undergone an amputation is meeting a person with limb loss who has successfully recovered and is back to living a productive and enjoyable life. By being matched with a Peer Visitor, amputees can experience lived understanding, a sense of community and are encouraged to live life beyond amputation.

Certified Peer Visitors are trained amputee volunteers who provide information and support for individuals facing or who have a limb loss/difference. By implementing a training program to certify peer visitors, the Amputee Coalition of Canada is able to ensure a quality standard of its program as all peers are evaluated at the end of their training session, and reports are completed after each visit.

If you have a limb difference, experienced an amputation, or are facing a future amputation you may request a peer visit for yourself or on behalf of an individual as their parent, spouse, or caregiver if the individual has provided their consent.

Peer visits may take place in a variety of settings including hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, at home or by telephone or video conference.

The Amputee Coalition of Canada makes every effort to offer the best peer visitor match based on the information collected within the request form.

Become a Certified Peer Visitor

Certified Peer Visitors are volunteer individuals with limb loss or limb difference that have experienced the rehabilitation process and are thriving in their communities. Upon the successful completion of a facilitated training session and certification, the new peer visitor is ready to start making peer visits when requested.

Certified Peer Visitor Training courses are scheduled based on demand and availability and are delivered through facilitated in-person sessions* or via web-based video sessions. To request training please complete the training application form and we will notify you of the next training session. Due to COVID-19 training sessions have been paused and we kindly ask for your patience as alternative options are developed.

Peer visitors must complete a training program to achieve certification. The program, covers topics such as: